Fifth month of long-term testing of Gelay polyester marine canvas roofs
Dec 12,2023 | FllickerMarine
The following record was made at 12 noon on 12 December 2023 - a record of the state of the Gelay polyester marine canvas on the roof of the building after five months of exposure to the elements.
After a full day of torrential rain yesterday, it finally rained today, and although sunshine poured down from time to time, it was still mostly cloudy, and the air smelled of humidity and rooftop rot, so we decided to document the state of Gelay fabrics today!
Fabrics tested were, Base, +Plus, Composite marine fabrics, awning mesh fabrics, cord fastening fittings and elasticated cords.
The first is the furthest Base oxford polyester marine fabric, you can see that due to the lack of adhesive backing, after 5 months of exposure to the wind and sun, a large portion of the threads on the side have fallen apart, so after a unanimous decision, we have eliminated the Base model of the oxford polyester marine fabric from our products.
The next appearance is our Oxford Polyester Ocean +Plus fabric, through the picture we can see that our hot colours navy and grey, after 5 months of weather damage, still as new, the surface did not lose colour, the edge of the messy threads, after last night's rain, it still did not affect them in the slightest, you can see that our +Plus fabrics face the torrential rain, High temperature and UV protection is very strong!
Let's take a look at how the +composite oxford polyester composite marine fabric performs. The back of this fabric is made of flocking, through the picture you can see that even though there are a lot of dense threads on the back, but after 5 months his threads have not become messy, the front is of course as good as +Plus fabrics, for exposure to the sun, rain, but also showed a superb level of durability of the products made, but also let our customers praise our products!
After the introduction of the fabric, let's take a look at the rope buckle, rope fittings after this period of time after the difference, you can see the bottom of the rope fittings slightly whitened, which is not the case we want to see, but don't worry, in order to provide our customers with the highest quality of service, after the roof of the building after a long period of time to test we have eliminated this supplier's products, on the contrary, the top of the rope buckle, it seems to be as new as brand-new! Rope buckles do give more peace of mind.
Lastly, let's take a look at the changes of the elastic cord during this time, through the picture we can obviously see that the white cord on the left has been a little loose and lost its elasticity, so we replaced the white elastic cord with a black one, the black cord is made of more durable material and has not lost its elasticity after testing, therefore, we will only use black elastic cord as a substitute for the white elastic cord in our future products. instead of the black one.
That's it for today's long term test, we'll continue to report on our roof long term test from time to time next time.